23-23 May 2024 Toulouse (France)

Keynote Speakers


Prof. Rory JOHNSON (GOLDLab - University College Dublin, Dublin - Ireland) (https://www.gold-lab.org/)

Drive to Survive: Fitness-altering tumour mutations in non-protein-coding RNAs



Dr. Faraz MARDAKHEH (MARDAKHEH LAB - Barts Cancer Institute, London - UK) (https://www.mardakhehlab.info/)

Unlocking the secrets of oncogen-driven ribosome biogenesis and nucleolar reconfiguration in cancer



Dr. Pierre-François CARTRON (Philippe P. Juin Lab - CRCI NA, Nantes - France) (https://crci2na.univ-nantes.fr/en/research/team-7)

Deciphering the epitranscriptomic regulation of RNAs in oncology to use it as biomarkers or start point to innovative inhibitor development




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